A Day of DTS

I have been trying to explain DTS to my friends and family back home. It is a difficult task. I figured that the best way to describe it is to just try and walk through a full day here.  So here is what a hypothetical day looks like for me. It’s hard to describe because each day is different, but I’ll give it a shot. -Breakfast: It’s my work duty to get breakfast out and clean up after, so I get up early and do that.

It doesn’t take that long, but sometimes I really feel like sleeping in. But I don’t. People without their coffee and breakfast are scary. -Worship/Prayer: Different people lead each time. Sometimes we just pray for something specific or sometimes we just do general prayer. Crying is optional during worship. It’s a little early in the morning still so completely falling apart will probably not happen. -Class: Take a minute after worship to clean myself up if needed and get everything ready for class. Grab a seat. Maybe volunteer to pray for the speaker before he/she starts.

Listen and get awesome revelation about who God is/who God has made me to be. Be amazed. -Break: eat toast. Wednesday is treat day so we get yummy food on that day. 🙂 [:)] -Back to class: Learn more amazing things. Sometimes find out how to apply what you learned in the morning. Do something interactive like an exercise or something. Be excited about what I learned so tell someone. Maybe share with the class when they ask for feedback. Or don’t. Whatever. Arrow up. -Lunch: Eat. Lunch is not the most exciting meal. -Afternoon: Most people have their work duties at this time. I usually have a nap. Sometimes I start my journal or read the book we are supposed to be reading. Almost every time I end up sleeping. Usually in the sun room. It’s really nice and warm there. Sometimes we go to the beach or get icecream or buy stuff at checkers .

What we do in the afternoon switches everyday. -Dinner: Eat. Also not that exciting. Although it is usually very loud and full. That makes dinner fun. Or it gives me a headache. One of the two. -Evening: This differs depending on the day: -Class: Wednesday especially is an important class. It’s the last day that the speaker is with us usually, so it’s like the Saturday night at a youth retreat weekend. That’s when everything gets real. Crying is not optional. Be ready with real tissues because toilet paper will fall apart on your face and leave white pieces everywhere. -Free evening: We hang out, play dutch blitz, talk, eat toast, run to Bray’s quickly before it closes to get some junk food and talk to the guys there, or sometimes I seclude myself and have quiet time to process (my new favourite ywam word = Process. I never used to say it, but it’s fantastic.)

There is ALWAYS a game of dutch blitz going on. It gets very competitive. There is a lot that happens throughout the day that I’ve missed out. Like people being picky about where they sit in class. Or us making fun of all of our different accents and fighting about the “right” way to say different words. Or the beautiful drawings that appear in the morning on the white board in the classroom. Or the stinky room boys causing trouble. Or random worship springing up somewhere. Or heart-to-hearts and deep discussions. So that is as much as I can explain a day in DTS. This is not something you can explain in words though. It’s different for everyone. God works on all of us in different ways. You just have to experience it to fully understand it.

From Rachelle Steegstra, Canada

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