Warrior in a winning battle

Some see a bunch of random young people.

some see a bunch of beautiful people.

I see warriors preparing for battle.

it is a war not between flesh and blood but between the evil powers, forces and authority.

It is a war that is constantly being fought even in this moment.

We are in that battle fighting not by might not by might or by power but by the living spirit.

We are not alone in this battle because we have an omnipresent father, that is with us and never leaves us.

We are protected by the armour of God, thus we put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, shoes that is readiness given by the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation and lastly the Rhema word as a sword.

We get our help from the lord who made the heaven and the earth I am a warrior in this battle, I will rejoice in time of suffering because I know this is a winning battle.

We fight with a spirit who can overcome anything. We are winning this battle but not because of what we’ve done but because of what has been done on the cross for us. On the cross death was overcome, Satan was crunched and life was restored.

The bridge was restored and we have an open way to our father .

I am a warrior in this winning battle, willing to fight not by my power but by your power in me.

My friend, the leader of heavens armies are with me wherever I go and intercede for me.

That is the reason I live to see the will of God be done, to fight this ongoing battle.

We are winning.

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